SSH Key Management: Best Practices and Tools

Secure Shell (SSH) is a powerful protocol for securing remote connections, and key-based authentication is a cornerstone of SSH security. Properly managing SSH keys is crucial for maintaining a secure infrastructure. This article explores best practices for SSH key management, including the use of OpenSSH certificates, and reviews tools that can automate and enhance the […]

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Advanced SSH Configuration and Security Best Practices

SSH (Secure Shell) is a critical tool for securing remote connections, enabling administrators and developers to access and manage remote servers securely. While SSH is inherently secure, advanced configuration can significantly enhance its security posture. This article delves into advanced SSH configurations and best practices to ensure robust security. 1. Key-Based Authentication One of the […]

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How to mitigate against SSH Vulnerability CVE-2023-48795 with Maverick Legacy Client

There are several options available to mitigate the risk of exposure to CVE-2023-48795 for Maverick Legacy Client-enabled applications In code Use the code below before making any call to SshConnector.connect. Using System Properties You do not need to make any code changes if you have a sensitive deployment. By adding the JVM arguments below, you […]

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Important Java SSH Security Update: New SSH Vulnerability Discovered – CVE-2023-48795

Today, we bring to your attention a critical security announcement that demands immediate attention from system administrators, security professionals, and all Secure Shell (SSH) technology users. A team of security researchers from Ruhr University Bochum has uncovered significant vulnerabilities in SSH, which seriously threaten channel integrity. You can find comprehensive details of these findings at […]

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