Introducing the Maverick Synergy Java SSH API

hands raised to the sky, the sunset in the background, a swirl of light in between the hands

JADAPTIVE Limited is pleased to announce the launch of the Maverick Synergy Java SSH API.

This new API is the third generation of SSH API developed by JADAPTIVE and builds upon the core, trusted components of the Maverick Legacy API in a unified framework for client and server development built upon the Java NIO framework.

Released under a dual licensing model, it provides our commercial partners and the open-source community with the most up-to-date Java SSH API available. Ensuring that software projects for all audiences can benefit from secure and reliable communications and a regularly maintained, stable product.

New and existing commercial partners will continue to receive cutting edge updates and fixes through our exclusive support subscriptions from a privately maintained branch of the software with new features and critical updates made available to them many months before the community.

The project is currently in its final SNAPSHOT stages with the expectation that a final production-ready build will be available towards the end of this year. There is still some work to do before we can finalize the release, but this is now mainly in the areas of documentation and testing. We do not expect any significant changes to the API itself.

For existing Maverick Legacy customers, we are now working on a major version update to the Legacy APIs which utilizes as much as the shared Synergy code base as possible. This next major version will be the last branch of the Maverick Legacy products, with its primary goal to make the transition to Maverick Synergy as simple as possible. We will contact customers in due course with more information when work is complete and builds have been available.

All Maverick Legacy customers maintaining a current subscription will be entitled to use the private hotfix builds of Maverick Synergy, when these become available at the end of the year. Customers will not be charged any additional fees to transition between the APIs while they maintain their current arrangements with JADAPTIVE Limited.

If you have any questions about how this affects you or your usage of our APIs, please reply to this email, and we will be glad to help.

Maverick Synergy Product Pages

Maverick Synergy Documentation

Maverick Synergy GitHub Repository

Posted in SSH