The Maverick Synergy Java SSH API has in-built support for using the BouncyCastle JCE as the preferred cryptographic provider.
There are several reasons we feel you should be using the BouncyCastle JCE in your applications. Mainly this comes down to the support in BC for larger Diffie Hellman primes when compared against the SunJCE and some other issues around prime multiples that we have seen occurring much too often with the SunJCE.
When you include the maverick-bc or maverick-bcfips module in your application ensure you call the following method before any other calls to the API:
This has the effect of:
If you don’t want BC to be the default for all algorithms then we do at a minimum recommend it being the default for all DH algorithms. If you prefer this option, along with the other fixes and enhancements listed above then call: