The authentication modules for your JADAPTIVE server can each be configured, to access these configurations navigate to Security->Authentication Modules.
Email Authentication will send a user a one time code to be used to login to the system. In the options here you can set the length of the one time password and whether Cloud Delivery is used.
Cloud delivery is an email delivery service provided by Jadaptive in order to send messages to the users of the system.
SMS Authentication will also sent a one time code to the user but this time via SMS to their phone number. Set the Message that you want to have sent and then also the length of the one time password.
Secure File Exchange also supports the ability to connect to the LogonBox Authenticator for access. You will need to configure access to your server that hosts LBA.
You can then also set the Prompt and Action text that will be displayed to the user as well as the Application name that is listed in the LBA application.
The LogonBox Authenticator is available for both Android and iOS, for more information see this page.