
Installing on Windows
Installing on Linux
Installing an SSL Certificate
Uninstalling (All Platforms)
Server Management
User Accounts
Authorized Keys
Event Logs
Email Messages
HTML templates
Session Management
Authentication Modules
Authentication Policies
Password Reset
SMTP Configuration
User Interface
User Interface Themes

Uninstalling (All Platforms)

To uninstall the product from your computer/server follow the instructions below according to your operating system.

In the instructions below, use the appropriate service name from the table below:

Product NameService Name
Secure File Exchangesfxchange
SSH Proxysshproxy

1. Linux

For Debian based installations execute the following command:

dpkg -r <service>

Where <service> is the Service Name identified for your installed product above.

For RPM based installations execute the following command:

rpm -e <service>

You will also need to delete the installation folder to completely remove the product from your system. This can be found at /opt/<service>

2. OSX

In Finder, locate the installation directory, this is typically in the /Applications folder.

Inside the application folder you will find an Uninstaller executable. This will be identifiable by the trash iconand it will be called “<Product> Uninstaller”.

Double click on the installer and follow all the prompts to the end. After which the product will be uninstalled.

You will also need to delete the installation folder to completely remove the product from your system. This can be found at /Applications/<Product Name>

3. Windows

In Windows Explorer, locate the installation folder, this is typically in C:\Program Files\Secure File Exchange

Inside the folder locate the uninstall.exe application and double click to start the uninstallation process.

Follow the prompts to uninstall the program.

You will also need to delete the installation folder to completely remove the product from your system. This can be found at C:\Program Files\Secure File Exchange